NEP Conference Agenda - April 2024


"Bridging Horizons, Shaping Futures"

Ministry of Education and Higher Education

Friday, April 26, 2024

9:00 - 9:30 AM Registration

9:30 - 10:00 AM Opening Ceremony

Keynote Speech on the Importance of Bridging the High School University Gap

Chairman Dr. Hatem Alamy

Minister of Education and Higher Education Judge Dr. Abbas Halabi’s Speech

10:00 - 11:00 AM Panel Discussion 1: Bridging the Gap & Overcoming the Challenges

Moderator: Mrs. Hanin Ibrahim | Chairperson Education Department-MUBS


  • Mr. Imad Al Ashkar: Director General of the Ministry of Education and Higher Education (MEHE)
  • Prof. Hyam Ishac: President of the Center for Educational Research and Development (CRDP)
  • Prof. Nadim Mansouri: Professor of Sociology of Digital Communication at the Lebanese University (LU)
  • Dr. Iman Rabah: Dean of Quality at the Modern University for Business & Science (MUBS)

Student Speech Competition: Education Challenges and Reforms Winners’ Announcement

11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Panel Discussion 2: Educating for a Sustainable Future

Moderator: Mrs. Sara Abilmona | University Life Director-MUBS

  • HE Dr. Nasser Yassin: Minister of Environment University Professor
  • MP Dr. Inaya Ezzeddine: Chair of: Women & Children SDGs Committees MD Pathologist
  • Ms. Deenah Fakhoury: Executive Director at the UN Global Compact Network Lebanon
  • Mrs. Sawsan Bou Fakhreddine: Director General at the Association for Forests Development and Conservation (AFDC)
  • Dr. Taghrid Diab: Expert in Environmental Education Instructor at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ)

Green Design Contest Winners’ Announcement | Mrs. Rima Ammar Chairperson Art & Design Dept.

12:00 - 12:45 PM Networking Break

12:45 - 1:45 PM Panel Discussion 3: Incorporating VR & AI Responsibly in Educational Systems

Moderator: Mrs. Amanda Hachem | Education Lead & AI Trainer at Zaka

  • Prof. Hussein Al Ghor: Chairperson of the Computer Science Department at the Modern University for Business & Science (MUBS)
  • Prof. Faisal Abu Khzam: Professor of Computer Science at the Lebanese American University (LAU)
  • Dr. Manal Jalloul: Artificial Intelligence Expert Instructor at the American University of Beirut (AUB)
  • Dr. Youssef Bakouny: Assistant Professor at Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ)

TD Student-Led Debate: Integrating AI in Education: For and Against

1:45 - 2:45 PM Panel Discussion 4: Higher Education's Role in Public Health: Navigating Challenges and Promoting Awareness

Moderator: Dr. Nada Alaaeddine | Dean School of Health Sciences-MUBS

  • MP Dr. Bilal Abdallah: Chairman of the Parliamentary Health Committee MD Dermatologist
  • MP Dr. Fadi Alame: President of the Arab Hospitals Federation (AHF) Chairman of Sahel Group
  • Prof. Nael Alami: President at MUBS President at CEREC Neuroscientist Founder of the Virtual Exchange Program
  • Mr. Fadi Sanan: Director General of the Ministry of Public Health
  • Dr. Randa Hamadeh: Director of Primary Health Care and Social Health Department MoPH

Health Sciences Documentary Winners’ Announcement

3:00 PM The Conference’s Recommendations: Call to Action